Friday, November 5, 2010

Looking Like An Elephant

Hello, World! How's everybody?

After two incredible weeks in the African bush, with tons of yummy (and again, yummy!) food and with no exercise (unless you consider taking photos as exercise: click, click, click), I am back in Manila looking like an elephant -- a real dark elephant for that matter.

(Ssshhhh. I should be working on a project that was expected November 3 -- a day before I arrived. But anyway!)

Some time through my journey (probably while twisting and turning through that 15 hour flight), I figured... I miss blogging. (I was a blogger, once. Once upon a time before I fell in-love and then, found out Facebook.) And told myself, I should blog about my African adventures, and misadventures(!).

For the record, it was one crazy, awe-inspiring and blessed experience.

So many things happened. So many things learned... discovered -- about myself, about the elephant continent and about the world. Things I never really understood: about apartheid and the continuous struggle.

There's so much I want understand, still. It's like, I ate a KFC Fully Loaded meal and a BK Whopper and had 16 oz Butterfinger Blizzard from DQ and it still hasn't reached my stomach.

The I've-eaten-a-horse-but-am-not-yet-full feeling.

I want start digesting all I've learned about life and culture... about respect and acceptance -- everything bit by bit. And that is why I'm starting this blog.

Not just to tell stories of squirrels eating our energy bars, or how a bull elephant (almost) charged us three (3!) times, but to help myself remember the lessons I've learned with the things I've experienced. And so, before I lose the desire to blog about it, here's the starter.

Til the next one.


  1. hey ms. blogger Trix! i hope you don't drop this one again! hehehe... will await your posts!... :-D sounds exciting!

  2. yehaayy I have a comment. :) lol hopefully nga. but since love's no where to be found these days, I'm safe! :))
